Saturday, January 4, 2014

DIY: Create Your Own Fashion Lookbook

             Finally, its 2014!! I hope that you all had a great New Years and Christmas holidays. At the beginning of the year, everyone makes New Years resolutions such as losing weight or stress less. But what about your style? For girls who are going back to school in January or if you just have started to lose outfit inspiration  in the past year. Here's how to refresh your fashion style for 2014! By creating your own Fashion Lookbook, you can generate new ideas and outfit combinations and rock the new year!

First, you need to gather all of the supplies.
Supplies List:

1. Binder with 3 Rings
    Available at Walmart

2. Notebook Paper
    Available at Staples

3. Old fashion magazines
   ( Teen Vogue, Seventeen, GirlsLife, Nylon, InStyle, Glamour)
    You can find the old magazines in your house or 
    borrow them from your friends.

4. Stapler
   Available at Walmart

5. Scissors
    Available at Staples
6. Tape Dispenser
    Available at Staples

7. Pen
  Available at Walmart

Now Lets Get Started! 


                                Step One 
Open a magazine and flip through the pages, 
when you see a clothing item that you like. 
Draw a circle around it with a pen.

You can draw a circle around clothes, shoes, jewelry,
 jackets , makeup, celebrities or models or musicians that a have a similar style to you, 
hairstyles, even colors and shapes that inspire you.


                            Step Two

Use the scissors and cut along the lines. 
Cut out the image from the magazine. 


                         Step Three

Place the cut out image onto a piece
 of notebook paper and use the tape dispenser 
or stapler to attach the image onto the paper. 

 Next, using the pen write a category title on the top of the paper                                 
For each page, write a different category title. 
Example : JEANS 
Example: The category title labeled JEANs has an image
                of blues jeans on the notebook page.


                          Step Four 

On the notebook pages you can write 
inspiring qoutes. Pick qoutes about style, fashion ,
 positive self-esteem, self-confidence. You can 
also include song lyrics from your favorite songs. 

Example: "Wear what makes you feel happy"
                  - (insert author of qoute)


                           Step Five

Last step, place the notebook page into the 
binder. Insert the page onto the three rings and close them.
 If you want to you can also use a blank paper 
and draw on it and use it as a cover for your lookbook.
                             Now you are all done. 
      You have created your own Fashion Lookbook!!!

                     Here are a few photos of my own 
                                Fashion Lookbook


I hope you enjoyed this DIY tutorial and
 I wish you to stay inspired for the new year!

So What Do You Think? 
Tell me in the comments if you plan on making 
this project for yourself or if you have read this 
article already and have completed this project. 
Please tell me how it went! 
I love to hear from all of my readers and followers!


  1. I really want to make my own fashion look book !! After what you taught me it looks like it would be really easy and fun to make. Thanks


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